- PhD in Islamic Business (On Going). University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- MSc in Islamic Economics and Finance. University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
- BSc in International Relations. University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
- Behavioural Finance,
- Halal Business and Industry,
- Financial Literacy,
- Marketing,
- Ethical and Islamic Finance
- Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta, Indonesia. Lecturer. Teaching subject: Islamic Branding, Halal Business, Islamic Marketing. 2015-current
- Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (PNJ). Lecturer. 2015-2016
- STIE Trianandra Jakarta. Lecturer. 2014-2015
- Science and Technology University Jayapura. Lecturer. 2006-2010
- PT. MRE Financial Advisory, Jakarta, Indonesia. CFP Assistant. 2012-2015
Keynote Speech, Trainer, Guest Lecturer | ||
1. | Islamic Finance and business e-Class at SMAN 1 Kedokanbunder, Indramayu, West Java | [2021] |
2. | Islamic Finance and business e-Class at SMAN 8 Pinrang, South of Sulawesi | [2021] |
3. | Islamic Financial Literacy and Education at SMK 20, Jakarta | [2020] |
4. | Islamic Social Finance – IBS Road Show To LPS | [2020] |
5 | Islamic Financial Literacy and Education at Darul Falah Boarding School, West Java | [2020] |
6. | Seminar on Islamic Economic, Finance and Business at Padang | [2019] |
7. | Islamic Financial Literacy and Education at SMAN 4, Padang | [2019] |
8. | Islamic Financial Literacy and Education at SMAN 1, Padang | [2019] |
9. | Seminar on Technology Effect On Student, Ministry Of Religion, Gov. Of Indonesia Jakarta | [2019] |
10. | Business Design of feasibility aspects of Muslim Fashion on Economic Creative Sub-Sector, Jkt | [2019] |
11. | Islamic Financial Literacy and Education for High School at Atlantis Vocational School, West Java | [2019] |
12. | Islamic Financial Literacy and Education for High School at SMAN 68, Jakarta | [2019] |
13. | Seminar on Research and Community Services Output at UMNW Medan | [2018] |
14. | Seminar Economic and Business at University of Medan | [2018] |
15. | Lending Model for Animation and Apps Financing, An Economic Creative Sectors | [2017] |
16. | Workshop on Islamic Micro Finance, Bekasi West Java | [2017] |
17. | National Meeting of Micro Finance Management, Jakarta | [2017] |
18. | Islamic Financial Literacy and Education at Baitul Hidayah Boarding School, West Java | [2017] |
19. | Lecture on Islamic Finance and Business, at MAN 18, Jakarta | [2016] |
20. | Seminar on Economic, Business and Finance at Bali | [2016] |
21. | Workshop on Journalistic for Student at AlMawaddah Boarding School, East Java | [2015] |
22. | Workshop on Mosque Management for Developing Micro Finance at Yarsi University, Jakarta |
- Sardiana, A. (2016). The Impact of Literacy to Shariah Financial Service Preferences. Etikonomi Journal Vo.15/1/April 2016.
- Sardiana, A. (2018). The Implementation of POJK 45/2015 On The Banking Financial Performance In Indonesia : An Analysis. Al-Masraf : Jurnal Lembaga Keuangan dan Perbankan. Vol 3, No 1 (2018) : Januari – Juni 2018
- Sardiana, A. (2018). Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan pada Keuangan Inklusif Penggunaan Bank Sampah di Jakarta Selatan. SYI’AR IQTISHADI, Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking E-ISSN :2598-0955.Vol.2 No.1, Mei 2018
- Sardiana, A. (2018). Implementasi Literasi Keuangan Syariah Pada Alokasi dana Ziswaf Masyarakat (Studi Pada LAZ Al-Azhar dan Dompet Dhuafa). Al-Maqdis : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam E-ISSN: 2528-5661 ISSN: 25285645. Vol 3 No 2 (2018) : Juli- Desember 2018
- Sardiana, A. (2019). Analisis Pengetahuan dan Kriteria Pemilihan Bank Syariah. Al-Masraf : Jurnal Lembaga Keuangan dan Perbankan. Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Juli – Desember 2019. ISSN : 2528-5629, E-ISSN : 2528-5637.
- Yumarni, Suhartini, Sardiana, A. (2019). Problems in Managing Endowment Asset in Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia. AL-‘ADALAH. p-ISSN 0854-1272; e-ISSN 2614-171X.
- Amalia, Puspita, Sardiana (2020) The Intention to Pay on Cash Waqf based on Religiosity and Gender Perspectives: An Empirical Studies, Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9, Vol. 1 – 978-989-758-432-9 Scitepress
- A (2020) Cash Waqf Fundrising: The Glaring Gap in Marketing Communication Practice of BWI (Indonesian Waqf Board), Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen & Ekonomika pISSN : 2089-4309 eISSN : 2579-4841 Vol.11 No.2 Pages 65-70
- A., Zulfison, Amalia (2020) The Impact of Knowledge on Islamic Philanthropy Fund Allocations: An Analysis of Moslem Society Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9Vol. 1 – 978-989-758-432-9 Scitepress
- Sardiana A (2020) Halal Literacy and Halal Product Purchase Dimension: A Preliminary Study, Insight Journal eISSN :2600-8564 Volume 6 .Special Issue Selected Papers form IABC2
- Sardiana A (2021) Devices Impact On The Children: A SWOT Analysis, Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education
- A Sardiana (2021) Banking Information Technology on Economic Inequality: An analysis of Electronic Money. Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities 3 (1), 27-34
Conference Paper Presentation
- AICIELS 2019, “Knowledge and Criteria On Islamic Banking Selection”. Imam Bonjol Islamic State University, Padang, Dec 2019
- Unimed 2nd International conference on Economics and Business. (UNICEB). “The Impact of Knowledge on Islamic Pilanthropy Fund Allocations; An Analysis”. Unimed, Medan. Dec 2018
- International Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences (ICIEFI). “The Implementation of POJK 45/2015 On The Banking Financial Performance In Indonesia : An Analysis.” STEI Jakarta, Bali. Aug 2016
- Call For Paper OJK. Indonesian Financial Services Authority. “Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Terhadap Preferensi Penggunaan Jasa Keuangan Syariah.” Undip, Semarang. Sept 2015
- Huda, Sardiana et al. (2014). “Keuangan Publik : Pendekatan Kebijakan Publik Perspektif Islam”. Elexmedia Publisher, Jakarta.
- Yusuf, Sardiana et al (2017) “Aspek Kelayakan Pembiayaan Ekonomi Kreatif Subsektor Film Animasi” Bekraf-IBS, Jakarta
- Geraldina, Ferli, Rimadias Sardiana et al (2018). “Aspek Kelayakan Pembiayaan Ekonomi Kreatif Subsektor Fesyen Muslim”. Gandewa Publishing, Jakarta