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Dear Respected Lectures and Students,

Indonesia Banking School is proudly to present “International Public Lecture entitled “Social Entrepreneurship: Australian & Indonesian Experiences.

Speaker: Prof. Minako Sakai, PhD (Observer of Indonesia & Australia Sociopreneurship; Researcher & Lecturer at University New South Wales (UNSW) Australia)

Opening Speech: Dr. Kusumaningtuti S. Soetiono (Chairman of Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta)

Moderator: Dr. Sulistyowati, SE., M.Si (Lecturer – Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta)

The event will be held on:
Day/Date : Friday, 17th November 2023
Time : 09.00-10.30 AM (Jakarta Time)
Platform : Zoom

Kindly join on the link provided below:

E-certificate is provided

For further information :
[email protected]
Mrs. Alvien (+62813 1414 9756

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